Update Your Fall Wardrobe
Depending on where you live Fall is either coming or it’s already here. You may be wondering how you can update your fall wardrobe for the coming season. “What do I need to add to my closet for fall?” “What can I keep from last year?” “How do I know what’s worth purchasing?” Here are 6 easy tips to help you update your wardrobe for fall!
1. Take Inventory
First and foremost, know what you have already. Take your clothes off the racks, bring any out of season clothing out of storage, and lay it all out in front of you. What do you have that can be used for the next season? What do you like/dislike? (Definitely get rid of the items you don’t like😉)
3. What Can Be Fixed & Which Tools
Sometimes your favorite pieces show wear because you actually wear them… go figure. For example, sweaters from the previous can start to pill after a few months or a year (depending on quality). Some tools for taking care of your most loved items are:
• Sweater shaver (this is a real thing friends, and its a lifesaver)
• Lint Roller (game changer!)
• Iron + Steamer (our iron is a 2 in 1)
• Downy Wrinkle Releaser (You’ll thank me)
4. Put It Together
With the clothes you’ve set aside to keep, try to style some looks. Pay attention to gaps in your closet and pieces that you think would pair nicely with what you have. I noticed that I would love more cardigans for layering so I added them to my list (Yes, you should be making a list).
5. Find Inspiration
Anyone that knows or follows me, knows that I love having a smaller capsule (foundation/basics) that I add to with color or textures. I don’t label myself a minimalist though. Going out of your comfort zone can be scary but if you have a good base, it’s easier to experiment. Trying a new style or brand can actually be exciting when you have the right tools! Finding inspiration, whether it be Pinterest or elsewhere, can help you decide what you like best! Knowing what you like and what works for you will help you to make a more informed purchase even when branching out into new territory.
6. Write Your Master List
Having a list to shop from helps to not be overwhelmed or sidetracked when shopping. Once you think of a few items you’d like for your fall wardrobe, write them down! (Click here or o the image to print this list)
I hope that this post makes it easier for you to update your wardrobe for fall. A new season doesn’t mean that you have to do a complete overhaul. By planning, updating your wardrobe can be less daunting… and we could all use a little less stress😊. Share you strategy for updating your fall wardrobe!