meet with your real self

True You

It's never too late to reclaim your courage and confidence, release your creativity, and unearth your buried dreams.

When you think of having good emotional health, terms like happiness, self-esteem, self-confidence, optimism, and mental toughness likely come to mind. You might not consider the ideas of self-acceptance and contentment.

But isn’t contentment what we’re all seeking?

Contentment is the place where we don’t need anything. We’re completely satisfied as we are, as our life is.

Think of how many things you do each day in an effort to feel more content:

● You say or do things to impress others.

● You say or do things to avoid being ridiculed by others.

● You work at a job you don’t like so you can make more money to buy things you want or to impress others.

● You exercise and diet beyond what is reasonable in order to look a certain way.

The list is really endless. We spend a lot of our day trying to feel more content. However, these things aren’t the path to radical contentment.

The real secret is self-acceptance.

“The truth is: Belonging starts with self-acceptance. Your level of belonging, in fact, can never be greater than your level of self-acceptance, because believing that you're enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic, vulnerable and imperfect.”

– Brene Brown


Do you have a project you want to put into action? Do you have a creative talent or skill you want to cultivate to more than a hobby? Do you want to write a book, do stand-up comedy, fundraising? Maybe you want a career shift or go self-employed. 

What's stopping you? Fear? Self-doubt? Maybe you just aren't sure what to do first and lack clarity. Who will you ask for help or where to begin?

We have so many worries about what would happen if we began or what won't happen if we don't at least try?

The decision to create what you are called to create is not something that happens overnight. It often brews and bubbles just beneath the surface.

Work that aligns with your core is more than just following your passion.

It's about mastering and being competent in a skill, or set of skills that are valuable to you, and in turn, could be valuable to others. It's what brings meaning to all your life.

This work is about the benefits, results, and rewards you get from completing the tasks and activities.

What are you masterful at?

Where do you add the most value?

What activities give you the most satisfaction, achievement, autonomy, and personal success?

What would you do if you didn't have to worry about anything?

The thing that makes you forget to eat or put off going to the bathroom because you are so engrossed in it, is YOUR thing.


    "When I signed up for the class I was stuck in a rut... Working with Stephanie is worth the investment"


    "She is AMAZING !! I love working with her and the inspiration and belief she instills in you to follow your dreams"

  • DYAN

    "The information and instruction was everything I needed... I learned more than I can express. I’m very pleased that I took the time to work with Stephanie Hicks, I know you will be too!"

Now is the perfect time to begin and I'm dedicated to helping you remove the obstacles that have been stopping you. Let's turn your thoughts into action and your dreams into reality.

If you’ve been struggling with your confidence and courage, not able to release your dreams into the world, I'd like to invite you to True To You, a 4-week Coaching Program. 

Do What You Love to Do

- You want to do work that matters and aligns with who you are. 

- You've had that moment you know that you’re meant to be on another path, but you lack clarity on how to move yourself forward.

- You want to leave a legacy, do work that is meaningful and rewarding to you and others.

- You know you have great work inside you and it’s now time to do it.

Are You Doing What You Should Be Doing?

Chances are that you're not? 

How do I know that? 

Because you're there reading this page (hello friend).

The majority of people I work with, feel like they are destined for something else in life but they just can't figure out exactly what it is, or they aren't sure where to begin.

Sadly, some even think that it's too late for them, that they have missed their chance to align with who they are, or they think they are too old, or it's unlikely they will ever find the missing piece.

Many people have no idea what they want. It's pretty challenging working out what you should be doing when you don't really have an idea of who you are, what matters to you, or what makes you tick.

This world is filled with career courses and workshops helping us to align who we are with what we get paid to do, however, Do What You Love to Do isn't only about the money. We all have unique gifts, talents, and skills that we use to create, be, and do. It is this creating, being, and doing that is the true meaning behind doing what we love.

Many of us have only one option and that is aligning who we are with what we do because it's the only way we know how to function.

Do you find yourself asking what's next for you? Are you stuck between a job you loathe and an idea you want to create? Have you been wanting more for yourself? Are you frustrated because you have no idea how to make the transition to bringing your gifts, talents, and skills into the world?

People say that doing what you love is unrealistic. Some say we can’t because of the economy. Still, others say that we all can’t expect to get paid for using our gifts, talents, skills. 

Then I ask you: What are we here for then? To work 100,000 hours and be miserable? I say: No-thank-you

Aligning who you are with what you do is not limited to what you are paid to do. It’s much deeper. You may have a string of reasons/excuses that need to be shifted, perhaps you’ve learned self-sabotage, self-doubt, and scarcity. You can undo those myths and stories and create a new narrative of empowerment, possibilities, commitment, and focus.

Be Your True You

My hope is that Be Your True You will inspire you to move, to grow, to make a commitment to yourself. 

For some reason, we think we need permission to step out of the box or off the conveyor belt.

This is my permission to you. Although, you don't NEED it! 

The worse thing you can do for yourself is to say 'no' to accepting this permission... this full permission to be who you really are.

Looking back, what decisions have you made for you, and how many were made by other people on your behalf?

When you're alone at night, in the silence, do you meet with your real self? Or are you hiding away from her?

She is calling you to remember who you really are. To remember your real desires.

You don't have an infinite number of years to get to the work that you're created to do.

Maybe you feel you've let her and yourself down and I get it. That dull ache. The secret pain or shame of not completing something you set out to do.

Most people do know what they want from life, even you. When I'm coaching them it's pretty obvious, and they thinking they need to "get over it" because it's too late. But the truth, generally speaking, is that they just need the courage to hear and pursue their true self. The self that is imperfect, great at making mistakes, falling, and failing.

The you that is 1000x braver than you think you are.

If you want to create your life on your terms, you‟ll need to have courage, faith, and stamina to dig deep and really get to know who you are... 100%.

It doesn't matter who you are, where you are, or if your past was good or bad. We all have to go back to move forward.

"I've learned that making a living is not the same as making a life."

- Maya Angelou

How It Works

This is an individualized, personally designed program based entirely on what short term goal you want to clarify next in your life. 

You'll get:

- A personal assessment of what is currently happening in your world and the specifics of what you think is holding you back and stopping you from getting there.

- A detailed plan to help you create what is next for you. Looking at your core values, skills, and resources. 

- 4 x 50-minute sessions (once a week)

- Support between coaching sessions

- Aftercare for one month via email

- Tailored tools, practices, and ideas for you to work on between sessions to maintain the momentum of implementing your plan.

Before we begin:

Please complete the intake form. Your answers and thoughts on this form will help me to identify if I am the right fit and coach for you at this time.

How we start:

After we have clarified we can work together. We begin.

I will send you a coaching assessment. This assessment will go deep. You will be asked to dive in and share more about who you are.

The purpose is to gather as much detail, feeling, and information as possible, especially surrounding where you really want to go and what is currently stopping you from getting there.

Getting personal:

Having received your self-assessment I will design your personal coaching plan. This plan will include all areas you want to look at and areas that I suggest you address. 

It will be written out with goals, objectives, and intentions for our time together. It may also include value areas that I recommend need your attention and where there are any discrepancies. I may also suggest and deliver additional tools for you to complete. Every session and in between, you will have clarity and focus on what needs to be completed and why.

Our time together: 

You will receive one 50-minute session per week for four weeks (virtual or face-to-face if possible). These will be recorded and made available for you to review in your online private space. 

We are together for four weeks. The time we spend together will be focused on implementing your plan, allowing you space and time for other areas of your life. 

Between sessions:

You’ll receive Voxer/email support and follow-up between all our calls and for one month after your last session. 

In between sessions you may need advice, guidance, or have a question that just can’t wait until we next speak, this support will make sure that this happens.

The program is 4 sessions. The space between them is just as important, valuable, and essential to the program. The commitment is 4 weeks. Between sessions, you will be working on agreements and commitments (made during the sessions), tools, and practices that are especially for you and your coaching plan to help you gain your own clarity. 

Your Own Private Work/Support Area:

You will be given access to your own private coaching area where you'll create your own password to access. This is a private space we will communicate.

In this private space. you can post questions, ideas, thoughts, plans, goals. You can ask for feedback on what you are working on. I will post specific tools and documents for you. It’s also used to keep a written record of all your action plans and intentions – weekly, daily, for the whole program. I will be available to you for help, support, feedback (on what you ask for), and accountability. I will not stand over you harshly with a whip, but I will make my presence known to you by encouragement, support, and helping you stay on track. I'm here to walk alongside you in the decisions you make, not mak ethe decisions for you.

*Payment option available
